Thursday, April 9, 2015

Poetry Month: H. D.

My mama recently sent me a link to a list of female poets, including the fabulous Hilda Doolittle, who was BFFs with Ezra Pound et al. This is from her Eurydice.

So you have swept me back,
I who could have walked with the live souls
above the earth,
I who could have slept among the live flowers
at last;

so for your arrogance
and your ruthlessness
I am swept back
where dead lichens drip
dead cinders upon moss of ash;

so for your arrogance
I am broken at last,
I who had lived unconscious,
who was almost forgot;

if you had let me wait
I had grown from listlessness
into peace,
if you had let me rest with the dead,
I had forgot you
and the past.

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