Monday, March 9, 2015

Mathematical Monday: In Puerto Rico. With Pigeons.

There were many pigeons in San Juan.  Tourists paid to feed them.  This I do not understand since pigeons are ugly disease-ridden rats with wings.  I wouldn't even feed them to my cats, since I would fear a flea infestation.

However!  I have a however!  There was a wall filled with pigeonholes!  There were more pigeons than pigeonholes!  Several pigeonholes had more than one pigeon!

In case it's not obvious why I'm excited, my absolute favorite mathematical principle is that of the pigeonhole, which simply states that if there are n pigeonholes and >n pigeons, at least 1 pigeonhole will contain more than 1 pigeon.  And it's true!  I don't think that one could have a cat with cardboard box principle the same way, since in the case of my cats, if I have more than one cat, they will fight over one box, regardless of how many boxes there are.  

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