Saturday, March 22, 2014

Caturday Post: The Hunting of the Unicorn

A few weeks ago, we observed a large (~3ft high) semi-rigid plush unicorn being discarded in the dumpster across the street.  Being me, I retrieved the unicorn, named him Sevastopol Snuffles, and then spent several weeks trying to destinkify him, since he clearly came from a smoker's home.  Fortunately the gods of housekeeping bestowed upon me both vodka and baking soda, and between those two substances, he is now fit to be a family unicorn rather than a downstairs unicorn.  Tamerlane the world-conquering sword and scourge of God is uncertain what he thinks of the vodka-soaked unicorn I pulled from a dumpster.


  1. This is maybe my favorite thing ever. Unicorns are great, but smoky, booze-soaked unicorns are even better! Seriously, this made my day.

  2. Aww, thanks! I miss you and Nulty so much!
