I just spent my morning making three loaves of whole-wheat-rye-and-white-flour bread, two loaves of honey-wheat bread, and tarragon biscuits. The last since I had the oven hot anyway, and biscuits are quick and tasty.
While I deeply miss the Project Rock radio station (formerly 96.1 FM, now off-air), I finally got around to exploring, via the internet, the groups Icon for Hire and Amaranthe today. So while mixing and kneading and washing mounds of bowls and measuring cups, I listened to frenetic rock with catchy pop overtones and lyrics ranging from angry to giddily happy and nonsensical. I rather expect my bread to come out of the oven with corsets and mohawks, spouting arias about dead boys.*
Icon for Hire's album
Scripted has my favorite from Project Rock days "Off With Her Head," but I think I like "Only a Memory" even more. It goes right to the top of my angry, rebellious favorites, along with Skillet's "Awake and Alive," Within Temptation's "Stand My Ground," and (dare I mention it?) Bon Jovi's "It's My Life." "Fall Apart" (bonus track for
Scripted) also definitely makes top 10 of angry and rebellious favorites. The whole album maintains the
presto pace, and while on a first listening none of the music was unusual, everything held together for a very solid effect.
Amaranthe's eponymous album has a much more upbeat, pop flavor, although still on the fast side and still definitely rock, complete with growler/female lead vocal pair. "Automatic" and "1,000,000 Light-Years" are delightfully catchy, to the extent of three back-to-back listenings. No, "Automatic" doesn't actually make sense, but I don't require that of my music.
If I have enough cooking initiative left, I will make a big pot of daal this afternoon. But that may be a tomorrow project.
*Inside joke for Nightwish fans. Before anyone falls on their fainting couch, none of Nightwish's songs advocate killing children.