Source, 1916 Grier's Almanac for the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas
Post Trail of Tears, we have this gem of a native American helping a white man along health's highway. For Blood Poison--Itching Humors--Pimple, Smith's Blood Syrup, the Great Indian Vegetable BLOOD PURIFIER. Since it is manufactured by John B Daniel of Atlanta, Ga, I wonder if this is the same John B Daniel responsible for
Daniel's Famous Cold Tablets. It seems likely, but all we really know about this stuff is that it
Shakes out the aches of Uric Acid Poisoning, Rheumatic Affections, Sores, Ulcers, Scrofula, Eczema, Tetter, and all Skin Disease.
According to the Mayo clinic, most people with high levels of uric acid show no symptoms, making it easy to "cure," I'm not sure what rheumatic affections are, tetter is a skin problem like eczema or ring worm, scrofula is frequently caused by tuberculosis, which is not curable by anything but antibiotics, and all skin diseases is quite the range and the claim. But we can write for testimonials!