Chellah is the site of an old Roman colony, followed by an Arab necropolis, including mosque and school. Now, it has a garden and is a tourist attraction.
According to the guide, a hallucinogenic tea can be made from these trumpet flowers.
My lime tree, rescued from a housemate who received it as an engagement gift but left it outside overnight in winter. It likes being outdoors in summertime, though. I am very lackadaisical about pruning, so it has grown very lopsided. It made 5 limes this year. Freshly picked limes smell wonderful!
In Rabat (Morocco) there is a tower overlooking a half-finished mosque from the 12th century. The Sultan at the time began it to be the world's largest (at the time) mosque. Then he died at the builders went 'meh' and construction ceased.
Old walls around the complex contain pigeons, but not enough pigeons to demonstrate the pigeonhole principle.
Some of the non column and tower parts of the complex:
This is either a guard post or the changing station for Moroccan Superman.
So I was listening to The Birthday Massacre's Pins and Needles album again*, and I noticed: the chorus for "Midnight" has the same melody as the chorus for "Deliver Me", by the David Crowly band (but I heard Sarah Brightman's cover first).
As far as I know, this is not parody, tribute, or plagiarism, simply different people at different times thinking "hey, this is a nice bit of melody", and doing very different things with it. Have you ever encountered this phenomenon, gentle reader?
*My uncontested favorite from Pins and Needles is "Shallow Grave."
Today, I decided that my new home's decorations should include a doll with a sword, riding to adventure on a vodka-soaked unicorn that I pulled from a dumpster.